Thursday, 3 February 2011

... a big shining ball of pure testosterone...

... It's that time again, blog time... the much anticipated time for all the family to gather round the computer as papa reads the blog solemnly to the children for them to learn, absorb the culture, and immerse themselves in my world... In order to better themselves in the parents hope that their child will turn out like me... a good 'un, an upstanding citizen, a beautiful lad, etc...

... So I've met up with Nikki and am sleeping on the sofa of her shared house... it's quite comfy... a superior sofa, fit for me and a king (not together)... it's been a nice change from the $30 hostels with the feeling of a university halls which has collided with a ball of pure and cosmic testosterone... a shining ball which no man can take his eye off of... he fills with a prime evil energy, drinks a beer and mutters to himself... "woman... must find woman" ... repeating it on and on as he stumbles around, bumping into windows like a moth... ... ... I went to the club at a hostel at St.Kildas (like a suburb of Melbourne which is basically a beach kind of place)... I had a good old time with Nikki, her friends Nick, Chris and Steve from Manchester, and some other familiar faces/voices... it turned out that a girl from home, good old Bristol, Natalie, was here with her friend Sophie... I was going to St.Kilda's anyway that evening but they just happened to be there also... so it was good to meet up and catch up... Joe's a mutual friend so I was able to re-tell the St.Petersburg saga, and basically catch up with all the adventures that we'd respectively undertaken... I was also surprised at my joy at hearing the old Bristol accent for the first time since, well I guess since seeing my parents... Sophie has a proper accent, I might even specify it down to Fishponds Bristolian (the little suburb time part of Bristol I grew up in)... it was delightful to hear this voice... my accent too rose to the challenge and by the end of the night I was a good old Bristolian again, even to the point that as I was weaving my way past people to the toilet, I'd say to the girls, "'scuse me love"... oh Christ! at least I didn't call any body "Babber"!

... the club was fairly university... fairly grimy... my flip-flops started sticking to the floor so much that I started walking like i was wearing flippers or something... there was so much broken glass on the floor that I saw numerous cut feet... it was a nice night but a grimy place... ... but the moment I truly felt out of my comfort zone, when I began to long for the glass of wine and the novel that the new "cultured" Matt craves, was when the wet t-shirt competition started... I couldn't see anything but a face and a guy pouring a bucket of water on the girl but all I could think was, "Get some respect for yourself love" ("love" again, damit!)... I didn't think such competitions existed outside of the American Pie Cliche remit but i was proven wrong... men crowded around the stage like hungry Lions licking their lips at the prospect of a fresh raw streak being thrown into the crowd (crowd or crowed?)... it was a relief when it was over... but then the club also had those pole dancing poles in the middle of the dance floor... the girls were attracted to them like moths to a flame... maybe I should have just got in the spirit of the night more, downed a Sambuca and gone up to a girl with the line, "Get your coat toots, you've pulled!"... hummm.... not really me... so I just chilled with my beer and chatted to nice people while watching the carnage unfold... (in truth the place wasn't really that extreme... pretty textbook English boozy place)...

... When i last left you I was planning to visit the film museum, some exhibit about Disney... well that exhibit cost money so that was a no no, but they did have a cool hands on exhibit about the history of TV and technology... and as with these hands-on museums, most of the people who want to have a go on things are children and they are pretty easy to shove off things so I never had to wait that long to try any of the things;) ... my favorite was a thing that made a video like-Matrix style... I liked it, and they e-mailed me a link to my video so I'll paste it here for you to check out (it's not that amazing but I'm easily pleased:)

... Also there was a TV showing famous clips from Australian TV history... in a museum for all the family and during the middle of the day they were showing a video of the first ever streaker (female) in the grand final of Ozzie rules football... as I was standing there admiring the work of the stewards in dealing with the pitch invasion, a family appeared to my left... I looked down at the little boy admiring the exhibits, I coughed to my self, mumbled inaudibly 'bloody inappropriate' to myself and moved on... ... ... ... it was a good little museum over all though... (not really sure why I put that little anecdote in to be honest... guess I'm a bit light on tales for this post... or maybe such a irrelevant anecdote is standard fare... . .. I don't know how you people survive reading this tosh... (thank you:)) ...

... Ok, I am getting a bit thin on the ground here now... I know I'm not really doing much here but it is really good just to reside here, to exist and just let the city flow around me... I love it when you walk down the narrow graffiti-laden streets full with niche little independent coffee shops... just to soak up the atmosphere as you walk through the parks and by the river... see families trying to figure out how the city rent-a-bike system works... work colleges sitting under the shade of a rail line having lunch... people hopping on and off the tram without buying a ticket, hoping today won't be the day an inspector gets on... ... ... sometimes experiencing a city in a passive way like this can be really cool and much more interesting then getting on a bus with 40 people and listening to someone say something irrelevant over a crackly PA system... ... ... but you can't do this forever and I can feel my body calling out for the unknown lands of South America... for the exotic, feared, beautiful and misunderstood countries that lay before me... now is the time to be passive... but I will be active once more, soon... and then I'll stop writing crappy anecdotes about wet t-shirt competitions and cosmic light balls of pure testosterone.... ... ...

... but for now, I bid you adue... adue... to you and you and you...

bye bye:)

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